Motivation, Dedication and Sacrifice: What is Your Why?


If i have peaked your interest, good. I applaud you. The first step in changing things for the better is the acknowledgement of a problem. Recognising within yourself that something in your life is making you unhappy and needs to be resolved or fixed. 

Now, you may say. What does this have to do with motivation, dedication or sacrifice? 

Everything, absolutely everything. 

These are just a few qualities that you will need in your employ if you are to succeed against the odds and it begins with knowing you are not living up to your potential.


No cardio, don't worry.

I am going to ask you too set aside 5 minutes for a bit of thinking. 

I want you to ask yourself these questions.

  1. What is my purpose, why did i get up this morning?
  2. Am i truly happy with my life? 
  3. Could i be doing more or pushing myself harder?
  4. What is stopping me? 

Think carefully about your answers and most importantly be honest with yourself. 

I suspect i do not need to say excuses will not cut it because you would not have clicked this post otherwise. So again, well done. 

I would be confident enough in my knowledge to say that most of you will answer as follows.

  1. To go to work and or look after the kids. To be expected.
  2. Meh, for the best part. 
  3. Ugh, the effort. 
  4. See answer 3. 

Before you get disheartened, ask yourself 1 last question. 
Is this really what i want for the rest of my life? 
No. I know its not unless you're Bill Gates or Conor McGregor.

I want you too take a screen shot of this and look at it anytime you find yourself slacking, cheating on your workouts, diet or just being a lazy SOB. You're only cheating yourself out of achieving your goals and maximum potential!

Disclaimer: Cheat meals are fine, in moderation.


As i said. What stops most people in their tracks when it comes to stepping outside of their comfort zone is fear. Fear of the unknown or fear of failure. Basically a lot of fear. 

I myself have faced many doubts and challenges over the years. Many times where i wanted to quit because i was afraid of hearing the words you're not eligible for a third time. It has taken me 3 attempts spanning 5 years to finally finish all the stages of testing to get a place in Garda College and I'm still not over the line. So yeah you might say i have a distinct understanding of what fear feels like. 

I will remember the day i was due to take my fitness assessment in Templemore. A hot sweaty day in August. I went in fearing the bleep test as i have never been cardio orientated, weights has always been my thing. So i just said to myself ''Suck it up and run like your life depends on it''. About half way though, i could feel the heavy breathing coming on so i just started shouting at myself out loud not to stop. The instructors even started willing me on. 

I had passed and i was never looking back. 

Don’t be afraid to fail. Anything that I have always attempted, I was always willing to fail. Don’t be afraid of making decisions; you can’t be paralysed with the fear of failure or you will never push yourself. You can push because you believe in yourself and your vision. You know it’s the right thing to do and success will come. Don’t be afraid to fail - Arnold Schwarzenegger

Image result for rocky climbing steps gif

Work Ethic

Everyone of you who reads this will have a different goal or target you may be working towards achieving. What all of you will share is that you all have a why. A reason for getting up that hour earlier before work for a workout, getting off the bus a stop earlier, studying that extra few hours when your friends are all heading out. 

It may seem simple. You will have many dark days but if it is what sets that fire inside you, ignites that uncommon desire to succeed against all odds. Then use it to light the way ahead. I am fortunate enough to know some very talented and driven individuals in their respective fields, everything from Dj's to fitness gurus they continue to set the bar a little higher every day. 

I want everyone of you who reads this to know, no matter what it is that may seem like the unassailable obstruction in your way. You can do it. The only person that you will ever need to believe in you, is yourself and as long as you have a breath in your body there will always be hope. 

A phrase that i came across on a pier in Co. Mayo of all places rings through right now. 

''Dum spiro spero'' 

Google it and thank me later. 

Until next time,
Aaron James.
