The Age Old Debate: Drugs

Before I begin, I am not by any means an expert on this matter. This is simply my view on recreational drug usage in Ireland. 

While i was writing my previous post on motivation and facing life with all it's difficulties head on, i had a thought. A lot of what i was writing pertained to myself, i wrote about how i had many challenges and felt many emotions along the way. 


I did not touch on what many of those emotions were, with the exception of fear. I did not touch on those dark days that i had. The days when i would say to myself, why bother? As i am sure many of you will have had. I am thankful to have a fantastic family who i can always rely on to insult me when i feel terrible.

An expression of love here in Ireland, to my many international readers.

I struggled with school, life at home and pretty much every usual teenager problem. I feel blessed to have avoided trouble with the law in the way i did. Where a lot of young men in my area and position had strayed into crime and drugs i avoided it. A lot of that being due to my wonderful Mother, a good family and An Garda Síochana. My community Garda to be exact. 

My thoughts being, why has it still soared in popularity. Despite all the warnings, everything we are thought about drugs being bad and seeing how they can do damage. People continue to indulge in the equivalent of 'Russian Roulette' with many mystery substances. 

Running a 1 legged race

As i was having my coffee this morning, i came across on article on about how 2 young men in a Plymouth nightclub had collapsed on the premises. It was discovered that they had both taken ecstasy, otherwise known as 'molly' or 'mdma'. Sadly, they later passed away in hospital. The police had located the rest of the group who were not showing any side effects.

I sat quietly, thinking about those 2 poor young men and their poor families. 2 lives wasted for nothing. Sipping away on my coffee, i got quite frustrated.

I always have a good night, sometimes even without alcohol. It is a disappointing state of affairs. I have been offered many different types of narcotics on several nights out, step into the bathroom and these people seem to appear out of the urinals. Often the most unsuspecting and well dressed types. Not the most savoury situation when you're just trying to have a night out right?

At the end of the day, i don't blame the people who take it. I blame the distributors and dealers, the ones who do not care for any misfortune they may bring to someones life, simply because they are greedy and want to line their own pockets at any cost. In Ireland and worldwide, Police forces and even the military are fighting a war that may never end.

I believe legalisation will go a long way to taking power away from the cartels who profit from the drug trade and prevent further pointless tragedies. With many other benefits as seen in many countries worldwide.

It is time for a change

I want to re-iterate. I am anti-drug. I always have been, always will be. I do believe you would be silly not to see the positives to the regulation and safe production of something that will be used either way. I have seen first hand how strict the process of gaining FDA approval is and how the facilities used, are audited.

Crime in general being the biggest casualty. We should see black market sales of drugs falling and gang related drug activity following suit, this is what i want to see happening personally. Growing up in my city at the height of gang feuding, it was hard not to notice that it was all simply a power struggle for control of the drug trade. Many lives were lost with a bad reputation gained that we have only begun to shake.

As well as lives saved, the benefit for our economy would be immense. In America, California if i am not mistaken. They sold $995,000,000 worth of legally produced marijuana, bearing almost $135,000,000 in tax revenue. While i cant remember where i got my figures, i am sure if you google it you'll see i am not far off my mark. Money that in Ireland that could solve many of the problems we face today. Improving our hospitals, homelessness, our roads, improving our schools, the list goes on.

While i do not condone it, its hard to ignore. Medical Marijuana has already helped many ill people worldwide in many ways and while Ireland is following suit with the legislation, if i am not mistaken. I think we should begin looking at the issue on a wider scale. The drug epidemic on our streets needs to be curbed and the Gardai can only do so much with what resources they have. Mr Varadkar, its about time we dealt with a long standing problem.

A little food for thought 

This post took a little longer than usual to get out, i have been run rampant the past few days between Christmas shopping and work as I'm sure we all are.

I was hesitant, to post this knowing how easily something can be misinterpreted. I sat in front of my laptop the last 5 nights thinking about all the different problems we face and how my writing of this will serve to better none of them.
Yet, here i find myself hoping this doesn't get the liberals up in a twist. 

Any articles referenced will be posted below!

Until next time. 
Aaron James. 

The 2 young men who passed away in Plymouth nightclub
